How we are funded

As a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (Registration Number: 1174125), Scarborough and Ryedale Mountain Rescue Team is funded entirely by donations, sponsorship and fundraising events. Without the generous support of individuals, groups and local companies the team would not be able to operate. The team are grateful for all the support we receive and you can be assured that any money we receive will contribute towards the cost of running the team and our ability, when required, to potentially save lives.

The team members give up their time voluntarily and receive no payment or expenses, however having the equipment, vehicles and support facilities to operate and potentially save lives is an expensive business. With no Government funding, just raising the money to operate each year, competing with other worthwhile causes, is a mammoth task.

Raising funds is a constant requirement with much of the activity being labour and time intensive. If you think you can help by:

or you have a skill that can help in some way and you have the time to volunteer, then please get in touch.


The team is grateful for the support we have received from our corporate sponsors. The services, equipment and sponsorship they have provided over the years has helped greatly in enabling us to continue to operate.

    Scarborough and Ryedale Mountain Rescue works in cooperation with the police and other emergency services to relieve suffering and distress amongst persons affected by accidents or natural hazards on the North York Moors, Dalby Forest, Yorkshire Wolds, or anywhere else we are needed.


    Units 1b and 1c Barkers Lane Industrial Estate
    North Yorkshire
    YO13 9BG